Scott, I am so sorry to hear of your tinittus and hearing loss. My heart goes out to you. And I'm so glad for all of us that you've been brave enough to follow your heart and inspire all of us to follow ours!

My brave thing is that I'm getting back to my work this month after two years off due to a peak stage of a chronic illness I've dealt with for years (through a miracle of discovering that mold was making me sick I'm 85% better!), followed by the illness of a close family member who has required a lot of care over this past year.

I create my own work and audience. After two years off I'm starting again mostly from scratch and I can barely remember who that person was who could do all that I did.

I feel vulnerable and scared. I have sometimes embarrassing cognitive impairment from my chronic illness, which feels particulary embarrassing since I'm a teacher and a scholar. AND I really struggle to promote myself. I will need to do this vigorously as I have college tuition for two kids, I'm behind financially from these two unplanned years off, and I need to truly value my work enough to shout it out to the world with joy! Scott, another way you inspire me: I will channel you as I am starting again this month!

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