"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu
Hello, brave souls!
Before we begin this week’s incredible foray into a courageous life, I have a favor to ask.
I have developed a 3-minute Global Courage Survey to research how courage can best be used in our workplaces. Can I ask you to take 3 minutes and share your valuable perspective?
Thank you!
OK …. Today, we're embarking on an exciting journey together:
I want to offer you a six-week exploration of the “basics” of courage that will transform the way you approach life's challenges and opportunities.
A New Chapter in Our Courage Journey
For those of you who've been part of our Scare Your Soul community for a while, you know that our mission has always been about inspiring you to push your boundaries and live a more courageous life.
For our newer members, welcome to a supportive space where we celebrate bravery in all its forms!
Over the next six weeks, we'll be diving deep into practical strategies for cultivating courage in your daily life.
These concepts stem from years of research, personal experiences, and the collective wisdom of our community.
Whether you're looking to make a big change or simply want to inject a little more bravery into your routine, these newsletters will provide you with the tools and inspiration to do just that.
Week #1 Focus: Start Easy... and Embrace the Power of Micro-Bravery
We're kicking off our series with a concept that might surprise you: when it comes to building courage, smaller is often better.
That's right – we're talking about the power of micro-bravery.
So, What is Micro-Bravery?
Micro-bravery refers to small, daily acts of courage that push us slightly out of our comfort zones.
These actions might seem insignificant at first glance, but they have the power to accumulate over time, building confidence, resilience, and personal growth.
The beauty of micro-bravery lies in its accessibility. You don't need to quit your job, move to a new country, or make a life-altering decision to practice courage.
You can start right where you are, with what you have.
Why Start Small?
1. It's Less Intimidating: Big changes can be overwhelming. Starting small reduces the fear factor and makes it easier to take that first step.
2. It's Sustainable: Small actions are easier to incorporate into your daily routine, making them more likely to stick.
3. It Builds Momentum: Each small act of bravery creates a positive feedback loop, encouraging you to take on bigger challenges over time.
4. It Rewires Your Brain: Consistent micro-brave actions help reshape your neural pathways, making courageous behavior more natural over time.
Practical Examples of Micro-Bravery
Here are some ways you can practice micro-bravery in your daily life:
1. Make eye contact and smile at a stranger
2. Share a personal opinion in a group conversation
3. Try a new food you've been hesitant about
4. Send a text to reconnect with an old friend
5. Ask for help with a small task
6. Give a genuine compliment to someone
7. Say "no" to a minor request you'd usually agree to out of obligation
8. Share a creative work (like a drawing or writing) on social media
9. Speak up when you witness a minor injustice (like someone cutting in line)
10. Initiate a conversation with someone new at a social gathering
Your Scare Your Soul Challenge for the Week
This week, I challenge you to choose one micro-brave action from the list above (or come up with your own) and commit to doing it every day for the next seven days. Remember, the key is to start small and be consistent.
Reflection Prompt
At the end of each day, take a moment to reflect on your micro-brave action.
How did it make you feel?
Did you notice any changes in your confidence or outlook?
A Personal Note
When I first started my courage journey, I was overwhelmed by the idea of making big, sweeping changes in my life.
It wasn't until I embraced the power of small, daily acts of bravery that I began to see real transformation.
Each tiny step forward built my confidence and showed me what I was capable of achieving.
Remember, courage isn't about fearlessness – it's about taking action despite your fears.
And every time you do that, no matter how small it might seem, you're growing stronger and more resilient.
I can't wait to hear about your experiences with micro-bravery this week.
Feel free to reach out and share your stories – they inspire me and our entire Scare Your Soul community.
Until next week, keep taking those small, brave steps. You've got this!
With courage and gratitude,
P.S. Don't forget to join the conversation on social media using @ScareYourSoul and #MicroBravery. Your stories might just inspire someone else to take their first micro-brave step!